The women who cycle for a greener city - Savannah

Name: Savannah
Location: London
Current commuting bike: Liv Envie road bike
Favourite commuting kit: dhb women's cycling kit
Why do you pick cycling as your transport?: It's often quicker than most forms of transport and it benefits your health too!
What is the most useful cycling tip you have received?: Get some comfy shorts, for women especially, there are shorts out there for every shape/size. Shop around.
Why do you think it is important to get women cycling?: Because why not! Cycling is a great form of transport and there's a growing women's cycling community in the UK that welcomes cyclists in all different forms!
What do you think is the biggest barrier to women cycling?: Perception of the sport, it is perceived cycling is a 'man's world' and that you have to be in lycra or spend lots of money on a bike. We learn to ride bikes as children regardless of gender and money, so there's no reason for it to be a barrier as an adult.
Your favourite environmentally friendly habit?: Using a reusable tote bag at every opportunity possible!
Greener cities through women cycling....
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